Will Body Building Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

Whilst walking, especially after meals, helps to control your blood sugar levels and combat insulin resistance, body building techniques can help with weight loss, insulin sensitivity, and blood sugar control. It is not enough just to start eating right. Increasing physical activity is also as important as a good diet for people with Type 2 diabetes... when carried out correctly there are great benefits.

Weight lifting or body building: When lifting weights, the muscle tissues are primed to use up excess blood sugar. As well as checking your blood sugar levels before and after you workout, you should also monitor your intake of carbs. Carbs are essential if you're undertaking any form of intense exercise.

\"Leptin Diet\"

Bodybuilding won't cure you of Type 2 diabetes but it can play a major role in maintenance by decreasing your total body weight... because it burns off fat tissue. And with weight loss comes increases in insulin sensitivity which allows many people with Type 2 diabetes to reduce the amount of insulin or oral diabetes medications needed. And the less insulin in your body, the less weight you will gain.

Will Body Building Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

Weight training as well as eating healthy foods helps to create a lean body mass.

Body builders have a strongly developed mindset when it comes to exercise and eating frequent small meals. And these are two essential elements for the management of your blood sugar levels.

First things first: If you're planning to do bodybuilding workouts to help improve your control over diabetes, be sure to talk with your doctor as no one with diabetes should embark on a major new regimen of activity without guidance.

If you don't have your blood sugar under reasonable control, your doctor may suggest you do not commence on such a vigorous physical activity. Having uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes... blood sugar levels less than 70mg/dL or more than 250mg/dL (3.89mmol/L or more than 13.89mmol/L), vigorous physical activity can lead to a state known as ketosis, which can lead to problems with your kidneys or liver.

Maybe you will need to just stretch and walk each day until your blood sugar level is more under control... above 90mg/dL and less than 250mg/dL (5mmol/L and less than 13.89mmol/L).

Don't forget: If you're going to be doing weight lifting regularly, you should advise your trainer or staff at the gym you are diabetic and tell them what to do in an emergency.

Keep glucose tablets or other fast-acting carbs (fruit juice or hard candy) available. The usual treatment for a bout of hypoglycemia is three glucose tablets, three pieces of hard candy, or 4 fluid ounces of fruit juice. Watch for signs of hypoglycemia for 15 hours after your activity.

Keep your ID handy (a Medic Alert bracelet or card listing both your medical condition and the medications you take to help you have lower blood sugar levels). And whenever possible partner with a friend who knows you have Type 2 diabetes.

Will Body Building Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

Would you like more information about alternative ways to handle your type 2 diabetes?

To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions... its based on questions many diabetics have asked me over recent months.

Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.
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