4 Common Causes of High Glucose Levels - Facts to Help You Keep Your Blood Sugar Under Control

Your body uses the sugars it extracts from the foods you eat, and uses these to provide energy for the cells in your body. It is called a blood glucose level, as glucose is the particular type of sugar that is formed and stored inside the body.

Monitoring your blood glucose level is very important, as having too high a blood glucose level can make you feel lethargic, irritated or even physically sick. Persistent high glucose levels can also have more serious, long term effects on your system.

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Listed below are some of the most common and also easily avoided causes of high blood glucose levels.

4 Common Causes of High Glucose Levels - Facts to Help You Keep Your Blood Sugar Under Control

1. The foods you eat- Your blood glucose level can be higher based on the foods you eat, especially too many foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as potato chips, sodas and bread.

2. Not exercising enough- As you exercise (even something as simple as walking daily) your body uses up extra glucose stored in the cells as means to provide you with energy.

3. Dehydration- Your blood glucose level can go up simply because you have not had enough water! Make sure to stay hydrated so your body has everything it needs to regulate your glucose level.

4. Stress- When your stress level goes up, it sends a signal to your body that initiates the 'fight or flight' response. This causes your blood sugar level to go up, as your body is preparing to expend extra energy. Monitor your stress level and cope as needed!

Follow these four simple steps and not only will you tackle diabetes but you will also improve your health.

4 Common Causes of High Glucose Levels - Facts to Help You Keep Your Blood Sugar Under Control

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